Payment Routing vs. Smart Payment Routing Explained
Discover how payment routing optimizes transaction approvals, reduces costs, and improves efficiency. Learn the benefits of smart payment routing for PSPs and online businesses.
Dear friends, wishing you a bright spring!
We are excited to share the latest updates to the White Label Processing Software beGateway:
In February we added new connectors with payment service providers Inwizo, GuavaPay, P-Pay, CyberPay and enhanced existing connectors with Jetfex and PayFuture.
Request the complete list of ACTIVE connectors with banks and PSPs. We’ve included only those connectors that have recorded at least 1 transaction in the last 3 months. The White Label Processing Software beGateway boasts over 200 integrations!
We’ve introduced a payment demo page in the API documentation accessible to all our customers. This lets your merchants witness the payment process through a payment widget and link. They can even test the payment using test card numbers before integrating with a PSP system.
We’ve implemented a new method for processing transactions from saved cards to reduce fines imposed on acquirers for surpassing the limit of failed reattempted transactions.
New functionality has been integrated into Smart Routing, enabling the creation of rules to reject transactions once the permissible number of reattempted failed transactions is surpassed. Additionally, if specific codes are received in bank responses, the cards are automatically placed on the Black List.
Respectfully, the eComCharge Team
eComCharge develops and delivers the PCI DSS Level 1 certified White Label Payment Platform beGateway for Payment Service Providers and Payment Orchestration.