White Label
Payment Gateway Software

for Payment Service Providers
and Acquirers

Build your payment gateway service

Powered by a pre-built white label payment gateway software and an expert technical team

  • Installation from 1 week as SaaS

  • Full customization under your brand

  • SMART routing

  • 170+ Connectors with Banks and PSPs worldwide, including Kazakhstan, Georgia

  • Payment widget and notifications
    support 22 languages

  • Dedicated team for new connectors development

  • 24×7 Technical Support for you and
    your merchants

  • 200 Transaction per second

  • 99,75% guaranteed system uptime

  • PCI DSS Level 1

  • Dedicated Data Warehouse for each PSP

  • 125+ PSPs have been launched since 2012

Full information on begateway.com.

Get a white label payment gateway
branded with your own PSP label

Payment & Integrations
  • 20+Payment methods
  • 170+ Connectors with bank and PSPs
  • 40+Shopping carts
  • Multi-currency
  • CRYPTO support

Payment orchestration tools
  • Smart Routing
  • VTS by Visa & SCOF by Mastercard
  • Payment Split & Cascading
  • Auto currency converter
  • Payout management system

Merchant management tools
  • Merchant account & Shop management
  • Payment Gateways & Acquirers set up
  • Fraud protection tools
  • Transaction management & Risk report
  • Subscription management & Set up limits

Fraud protection
  • Fraud management system
  • Risk management system
  • MaxMind
  • 3 D-Secure 1.0, 2.0
  • Protection against DDoS attacks by CLOUDFLARE

Financial Statement & Balance Management

Offer your merchants
  • All payments brands
  • Customized payment widget in 22 languages
  • Integration tools: payment widget, payment links, shopping carts, API, Mobile SDK etc.
  • All transaction types
  • Reporting tools

24х7 Technical Support
  • 24×7 technical support for the PSP team provided by default
  • 24х7 Technical Support for your Merchants for additional cost

Developers Team as a Service
  • Developing new connectors with Acquiring Banks and PSPs
  • The development of new features for the client’s system
  • Dedicated team for those who need more

Full information about the white label payment gateway on begateway.com.

2 installation options for PSP

Choose your installation option for the white label payment system under your brand

Option 1

SaaS Model. Set up from 1 week.

Option 2

Installation on the PSP’s servers. Set up from 3 months.

3 pricing options for PSP

Option 1

Per transaction – monthly payment calculated on the total number of API calls.

Option 2

Revenue share – monthly payment calculated as % of the volume of successful transactions.

Option 3

Lifetime license purchase.
Talk to us to get the quote.

Full information about white label payment gateway on begateway.com
