Dear friends,
Stay updated with our Monthly Highlights detailing all the significant advancements within the beGateway payment platform::
4 NEW Connectors
In May, we introduced four new connectors:
-For card payments: Armenian Card (ArCa), PaymentConsultant, DigiMeth
-For APM: CryptoBit (fiat to crypto)
Request the complete list of ACTIVE connectors with banks and PSPs. We’ve included only those connectors that have recorded at least 1 transaction in the last 3 months. The White Label Processing Software beGateway boasts over 200 integrations!
Enhanced Transaction Recovery Service
The Transaction Recovery service has been improved. Previously, manually changing the status of transactions did not affect related services, but now everything works properly! For example, if you need to manually adjust the status of a transaction from Failed to Successful, the associated parent transaction will have its “amount” field recalculated (paid_amount, voided_amount, refunded_amount). Additionally, the transaction status will be updated in the Smart Routing module, and more.
The Dashboard Tab Appeared in Backoffice
The beGateway platform now visualizes data on key business metrics on a single page for quick review and analysis:
- Conversion graph
- Decline codes
- Successful transactions
- Daily history with information on the number and the overall amount of successful/declined
transactions grouped by day.
To see the new Dashboard in action, watch our short introduction Video.
beProtected Service Was Switched Off
beProtected was disabled as it became obsolete, and Smart Routing solves the tasks of this service even more efficiently. All security rules and scenarios for checking, processing and routing transactions are created in Smart Routing. Smart Routing capabilities continue to evolve!
The Backoffice UI Has Been Updated
We want to delight our customers with a revamped UI/UX in the PSP / Merchant Backoffice. This minor update will make your daily work with the beGateway-based processing system even more pleasant.
Respectfully, the eComCharge Team
eComCharge develops and delivers the PCI DSS Level 1 certified White Label Payment Platform beGateway for Payment Service Providers and Payment Orchestration.