17 July2015

Payment Gateway: Lease-to-Buy

eComCharge-banners-2-336X280-new edition

We see the common trend for E-commerce market – it is growing fast worldwide. This train is moving fast and those who haven’t looked at this direction are turning to it now. This encourages banks and PSPs that did not use to provide services to receive online payments, to look at the industry of the Internet acquiring as a new and very promising market.

But how to jump into this train fast?

It is necessary to possess a quality platform to provide services for convenient and safe online card payment acceptance and processing. Up-to-date high quality and secure infrastructure and software is the base for a successful online business of any acquirer or PSP.

Now here the question arises: whether it is best to create this database on one’s own or to use a ready-made proposal from an experienced vendor?

Today’s reality is that to succeed in business one must focus on its core. Non-core activities should be outsourced. This is a major trend in the world of finance.

Therefore we consider the most efficient formula to be fast to market with possibly low cost is LEASE-TO-BUY. Very simple: on the first stage of launching own acquiring you are leasing the platform and when you reach stable volumes you are buying out the platform by deducting the amount you have already paid for its lease.

All questions are welcomed!
